This is a very accurate reproduction of an original Series 2 1000 Jota and 1200 TS/Mirage owner’s manual.
Laverda used to produce some of the best owner’s manuals and this is no exception. Ninety six pages of riding information, adjustments, warranty information, maintenance and specifications.
These manuals seem to be very rare now, very seldom coming up for sale and often in really bad condition. This professionally printed item is an extremely accurate reproduction, being the right size (160mm x 110mm), right paper weight and texture and with the text and pictures accurately reproduced – even down to the spelling errors. Note that the black and white photos in the original aren’t the best, and this is reflected in the quality of the photos here.
There are two main differences between the replica and original, to be fair. Firstly, the original was stapled but that was difficult for our modern printer to achieve, I’m told, and secondly the centre warranty stamps were perforated and printed on metallic silver card. To keep cost of the reproduction down, the centre warranty cards are not perforated and are red and light grey printed on heavier card. Apart from that it’s a close replica.
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