Last revised AGM 3 April 2022

Significant changes made to the 2008 Constitution are written in italics.


The Club shall be known as the “INTERNATIONAL LAVERDA OWNERS’ CLUB”


2.1 The principle objectives shall be to promote and satisfy continued interest in Laverda motorcycles through Club meetings, social events and other services available to Members and so encourage their understanding and enjoyment of Laverda motorcycles and history.

2.2 The Club shall be essentially a Members’ Club and shall be conducted independently of the interests of any individual, or minority group of Members.

2.3 The club is a ‘not for profit’ organisation


3.1 Membership shall be open to owners of Laverda motorcycles or persons actively connected with Laverda and other enthusiasts wanting to improve their understanding of the marque.

3.2 Dealer membership shall be available only to companies trading in Laverda motorcycles, spares or service for Laverdas. Directors or partners of companies eligible for dealer membership may serve on the Committee, but only as a “Member without Portfolio”. They cannot propose or second candidates for the election to the Committee.

3.3 Wives/husbands/partners of Full Members have the option of becoming Joint Members, or if preferred to subscribe to Full Individual Membership.

3.4 Honorary Membership can be awarded by Committee vote and endorsement at the Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) to any individual for significant services rendered to the Club or to Laverda in general. An Honorary Member has the same rights as a Full Member.


4.1 The Club shall be governed by a Committee consisting of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as shall be deemed necessary for the efficient running of the Club (usually around 9 posts).

4.2 The Committee shall be elected only from eligible Full or Joint Members of the Club.

4.3  The responsibilities and duties of the Committee shall be to:

a) Act for the Club in all matters required to run the Club successfully to the benefit of the membership.

b) Have effective control over all Club affairs including governance, membership, finance, the annual calendar of events and provision of services (primarily the La Vera Vista magazine, the website and technical support).

4.4 The Committee shall meet on a regular basis with a minimum of 3 Committee meetings a year and the quorum for such meetings shall be a minimum of 5 members of the Committee.

4.5 Additionally, the Committee will maintain communications as required through the Club website forum activity board, e-mail, telephone and post. 


The duties of the Chair shall be to:

5.1 Ensure adherence to the Club Constitution.

5.2 Preside at Club meetings and activities or if unable to do so, arrange for a Committee Member to cover.

5.3 Oversee and direct Club policy and affairs.

5.4 Personally represent the Club on proper (formal) occasions and business contracts.

5.5 Support and advise all other Committee Members in records, correspondence and other duties in relation to their post held.

5.6 Cast the deciding vote when one vote is necessary to break a tied result.


The duties of the Secretary shall be to:

6.1 Deal with general Club correspondence.

6.2 Keep a record of formal meetings of the Club, its Committee including the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting.

6.3 Preside at meetings of the Club in the absence of the Chair.

6.4 When directed by the Committee to convene Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Club and prepare the Agenda and record Minutes.

6.5 Convene Committee meetings, prepare and circulate an Agenda, record and circulate Minutes to all Committee Members.

6.6 Ensure that good contact is kept with all organisations deemed by the Committee to be important in maintaining the aims of the Club and in particular those to which ILOC is affiliated. 

6.7 To perform such other administrative duties as required.


The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

7.1 To arrange and co-ordinate the collection and banking of all monies due to the Club.

7.2 To maintain such records as are required for an accurate accounting of all Club funds.

7.3 To handle disbursements.

7.4 To submit regular statements of accounts to the Committee and an end of year financial statement at the Annual General Meeting.

7.5 To provide other accounting information and advice necessary for the cost efficient running of all Club finances.


The duties of the Editor shall be to:

8.1 Ensure regular production of the Club magazine containing news, social events, technical data and other information and articles of interest to Members of the Club.

8.2 Review content of La Vera Vista and develop it as required to ensure that the magazine is of good quality and is well regarded by Members.    


The duties of the Membership Secretary shall be to:

9.1 Maintain a register of Club Members, arrange the publication of a membership list from time to time and inform the magazine distributor of all Membership changes.

9.2 Bank subscriptions collected from members and account for it to the Treasurer.

9.3 Use membership data to analyse trends and provide relevant information to the Committee and members of the Club.


The duties of the Regalia Officer shall be to:

10.1 Arrange the design and manufacture of such Club Regalia as agreed by the Committee.

10.2 Establish the demand for products prior to ordering and maintaining economic stock levels. Make available suitable regalia at selected Club meetings and shows.

10.3 Actively promote Regalia sales via the website, LVV and shows to ensure that regalia is self-financing or ideally provide an income for the Club.

10.4 Maintain financial and stock records and account for all monies and value of stock to the Treasurer and report periodically to the Committee. 


The duties of the Advertising Officer shall be to:

11.1 Promote the Club magazine as an effective advertising medium to those supplying Laverda parts and services

11.2 Determine advertising rates to secure maximum sales of advertising space that providing an economic return for the club.


The duties of the Public Relations Officer shall be to:

12.1 Build active relationships with anyone who is in a position to raise the profile of ILOC/Laverda nationally and internationally.

12.2 Work with the Advertising Officer to promote the Club and its events from time to time by cost effective means, recruiting new Members and raising the Club’s profile.

12.3 Write or encourage the writing of articles for relevant publication in order to promote ILOC.

12.4 Use social media to spread awareness of ILOC.


The duties of the Club Archivist shall be to:

13.1 Maintain a collection of articles and information relevant to both Laverda motorcycles and the ILOC and arrange to have this archived and available to Members from the ILOC website.

13.2 Seek out and preserve any suitable additional material as it becomes available.

13.3 Maintain financial and stock records and account for all the monies to the Treasurer, if any income generating transaction takes place.


The duties of the Events Co-ordinator shall be to:

14.1 Act as the Club’s contact for Club event organisers and help them to access Club resources.

14.2 Compile and maintain an up-to-date calendar of events for publication, and liaise with organisers to avoid date clashes.

14.3 Explore the feasibility and desirability of potential new events to be added to the Events Calendar in the current and subsequent years.

14.4 Maintain a stock of specialised Laverda workshop tools and manage the Club Tool Loan Scheme for Members requiring use of such tools.


The duties of the Webmaster shall be to:

15.1 Manage, maintain, update and develop the Club website, reporting required developments or issues to the Committee periodically.

15.2 Ensure compliance with all statutory requirements in respect of copyright; data protection; website accessibility; software licensing.

15.3 Register and maintain the Club’s domain names.

15.4 Work with Committee colleagues and members to use the website to communicate news items of interest to Club Members and non-member Laverda enthusiasts.


The duties of the Information and Resources Officer shall be to:

16.1 Build and maintain meaningful relationships with suppliers of Laverda parts and spares to cover all makes and models

16.2 Build and maintain meaningful relationships with service providers

16.3 Build and maintain a database of available parts and spares (with the support of the club’s Webmaster or any other committee member where required)

16.4 Negotiate an ILOC discount with suppliers and service providers

16.5 Act as the ‘go to’ point of contact for all ILOC members who require parts or servicing advice

16.6 Create a resource centre of ‘how to’ instruction to support members in keeping their bikes on the road


17.1 All Committee Members must retire each year at the AGM, but may stand for re-election.

17.2 The procedure for the election of Committee Members shall be as follows:

a) The existing Committee shall make a recommendation concerning the size and scope of the Committee required for the following year. The roles required by the Committee shall be agreed before proceeding to election of Members. The Committee will arrange for Members to be invited to nominate individuals for Committee posts usually via LVV several weeks prior to the AGM.

c) Nominations for the above posts shall be in writing and signed by the Nominee , or by email to the Club Secretary’s email address as stated in the club magazine and on the club website and must be received by the Secretary 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Voting shall be by a show of hands at the AGM and a Proposer and Seconder – who must all be Full / Joint Members of the Club, will be identified – and the Nominee receiving the most votes shall be deemed elected.

d) Re-election of current Committee Members. To minimise bureaucracy and save time on the day at the AGM, as from 2012 current Committee members seeking re-election can be presented as a group with a single Proposer and Seconder. This system does not prevent Full Members voting against, or putting themselves forward, for a Committee post. Nominations will still need to be passed to the Secretary who will group together those seeking re-election.

e) The following posts shall be voted on separately and in the following order:

  1. Chair
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Editor
  5. Membership Secretary
  6. Regalia Officer
  7. Advertising Officer
  8. Public Relations Officer
  9. Club Archivist
  10. Events Co-ordinator and Tools Librarian
  11. Webmaster
  12. Information and Resources Officer

f) If the number of nominations for a Committee Member Without Portfolio post exceeds the number of vacancies, those nominated shall leave the room and remaining members shall each cast votes equal to the number of vacancies. Those nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.

17.3 Committee Members may resign their posts during the term of office by giving notice in writing to the Chair. The Committee has the power to co-opt a replacement or re-assign duties to another Committee member to fill the vacancy created.


18.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a convenient location enabling a reasonable attendance and at least 28 days notice shall be given to members in writing – usually via the Club magazine and website. 

18.2 The quorum for an AGM shall be 30 members or 5% of the membership – whichever is least.

18.3 A voting majority will decide all motions. The Chair has a casting vote in all cases of tied voting.

18.4 The core business of the AGM shall be as follows:

a) The Minutes of previous AGM to be approved and signed by the current Chair

b) Chair’s Report

c) Secretary’s Report

d) Treasurer’s Report

e) Editor’s Report

f) Membership Secretary’s Report

g) Regalia Officer’s Report

h) Advertising Officer

i) Public Relations Officer’s Report

j) Club Archivist’s Report

k) Events Co-ordinator and Tools Librarian’s report

l) Website Officer’s report

m) Information and Resources Officer

n) Election of Club Committee

o) Scheduled Business, including any formal motions for consideration and resolution.

p) Any other business.

18.5 If a Full or Joint Member wishes to raise an issue formally at the AGM they should do so by seeking resolution to a motion (see 18.4 [o] above). The issue should be notified in writing to the Chair and Secretary at least 28 days before the copy deadline for the scheduled date of the edition of La Vera Vista published prior to the AGM, otherwise it will be ruled out of order. By notifying such motions in advance, the details will be communicated to all members via LVV and the facility of postal and e-mail voting will be available to those who may not attend the AGM.


19.1 The Chair shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time when receiving a request supported by 30 or more Full or Joint Members seeking resolution to a written motion seeking to change the Club Constitution in some way.

19.2 Motions must be limited to a single issue and be clearly written to present the case for the change in question and so that Members and the Committee can understand and decide upon the issue presented. Motions not presented correctly will be rejected and sent back to the initiator for clarification.

19.3 An EGM shall be held wherever convenient, and a minimum 14 days notice of the meeting shall be given to members in writing, or by the Club magazine and website.

19.4 The quorum for an EGM shall be 30 members or 5% of the membership, whichever is least. Postal votes, which must be received by the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting, shall be included as part of that vote.

19.5 The business of an EGM shall be restricted to consideration of those motions proposed by the members requesting the meeting.


20.1 To enable all Members to exercise their rights through voting on important issues covered by the Constitution, Full and Joint Members shall be invited to either attend the AGM to register their vote for or against a specific motion in person, or alternatively by post or e-mailNote that postal voting is also available for EGM’S (see paragraph 17.3).

20.2 When a motion is presented to the Chair, he/she and the Committee will consider the content and decide whether to:

  • Accept it as it stands
  • Refer it back for clarification, or
  • Reject it out of order, giving reasons for doing so.

The details of the motion, once accepted, will be communicated to Full and Joint Members via the Club magazine and on the Club website. The issue for resolution will provide all the information necessary for Members to understand the purpose, the implications and the impact of the proposed change. Members should therefore be able to reach a view about whether to support the motion or to vote against it.

20.3 A voting slip will be produced for insertion in the magazine and it will also be posted on the Club website. Eligible members will be given a minimum of 15 days in which to respond to the Committee, usually via the Club Secretary or another nominated person. Each postal form / e-mail vote will require the individual’s Membership Number to ensure a single vote is cast. In addition:

  • No “block” or group voting will be permitted, and
  • No proxy voting (votes cast on behalf of other members) will be permitted.

20.4 Mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that an independent and unbiased adjudicator confirms the results of all postal voting undertaken.


21.1 The level of the Annual Subscriptions for all Membership categories shall be subject to annual review by the Committee following recommendation by the Treasurer on the financial position of the Club.

21.2 Subscriptions are due on January 1st each year. Each Member shall receive two reminders from the Membership Secretary before Membership is discontinued.


The Committee shall not modify the Constitution, without the authority of an AGM.